Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sayumi Airi

"First you butter them up. They'll never know what hit them."

Sayumi Airi

Age: 13
Gender: Female

Sayumi was a cute little girl back then. Her mother made her learn instruments, starting from the basic guitar and piano and gradually moving on to violin and others.
When she was 4, she made friend in Aeval. They liked to play the piano together.
At age 11, she met the Amane and befriended Toshiro. The four of them often play songs together.
She was only 13 when this started to get hectic with the whole magic thing. Seeing Aetas made her really happy, though.
At age 15, she was sick of Akihito's attitude and slapped him on the face. He didn't see it coming, did he?

Birthday: September 23, 2438
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Favorite Past time: Learning, baking, singing. Sayumi had a talent in music, having a beautiful voice. Her mother taught her baking and playing many instruments including guitar, pianoforte, violin and later, harp. Sometimes when she gets upset, she bakes so much to keep herself busy, much to Aeval and Akihito's joy.

Personality: Sayumi looks sweet and acts like it, but she unconsciously manipulates people into doing what she wants. She sometimes bribed them with sweets, especially Akihito. Her mood changes quickly, but usually it's not so apparent due to her passive nature. Sayumi likes to be treated romantically to an extent-- over that it's just embarrassing. She doesn't really act on her feelings when it's romantic. True to Libra, she tries to stay just. Sayumi treats her friend with kindness, especially those she's fond of.
Relationship: Sayumi has a strong friendship with Toshiro, confides in him and generally trusts him. Her friendship with Aeval is strong, as they've been friends for nearly all their lives. She rather likes Akihito for his honesty and ability to speak up for himself. Eventually she learnt how to stand up for herself from him, and starts to like him in another way, just a tiiny bit.

Genderswap: Seiichi Airi

References:  Photobucket

Other Informations
Height: 155 cm
Favorite Colors: Purple, Baby Blue, Pink, Gray, White.

Eye Color: Blue Violet
Hair Color: Pale Brown

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